What is exercise that lowers blood pressure?

“Are there any other ways to lower blood pressure other than taking medicine?”
For those of you who think so, here are some exercises to lower your blood pressure.
Read this article to learn how to exercise and how to lower your blood pressure.
Why exercise is good for lowering blood pressure

The basic treatment for hypertension is to improve lifestyle habits and take antihypertensive drugs, but it is said that dietary therapy, alcohol control, smoking cessation, and exercise therapy are also effective for improving lifestyle habits.
The reason why exercise therapy is good is that exercise can be expected to be effective in eliminating obesity, which is the cause of high blood pressure, and improving vascular endothelial function, which is related to the elasticity of blood vessels.
Introducing effective exercise to lower blood pressure
Effective exercise for lowering blood pressure is moderately strenuous aerobic exercise with a goal of 30 minutes or more every day.
However, if you have a heart disease and are advised to limit your exercise, please consult your doctor before starting exercise therapy.

Incorporate moderate walking
Walking is the easiest aerobic exercise to start with.
Walking every day for about 30 minutes a day can be said to be an effective exercise for lowering blood pressure.
Also, a little hard aerobic exercise is more effective, so it might be a good idea to try walking at a brisk pace once you get used to it.
Stretching that can be done indoors is also recommended
Outdoor exercise such as walking is effective, but indoor stretching is also recommended as an exercise to lower blood pressure.
Does calf stimulation lower blood pressure?
It has been reported on television that massaging the calves by rubbing and rubbing them is effective in lowering blood pressure.
Certainly, stimulating the calves may have the effect of improving blood circulation and circulating the blood that has accumulated in the lower body.
However, there have been no investigations or studies on whether calf stimulation actually lowers blood pressure. Hopefully it will become clearer in the future.
Strength training is also effective in lowering blood pressure.
In addition to daily aerobic exercise such as walking, it is said that it is more effective if you can incorporate muscle training within a reasonable range about three times a week.

Approximate amount of exercise and points to note
As I mentioned earlier, the guideline for exercise is about 30 minutes a day.
However, do not overdo it. If you feel that 30 minutes is suddenly too hard or your body can't keep up with it every day, gradually increase the time and frequency.
Also, if you don't normally exercise at all, sudden strenuous exercise can put a strain on your body. Please exercise while consulting with your body.

Recently, the "towel grip method" has been attracting attention as a method to lower blood pressure.
Here's how:
① Fold a face towel at home three times to make it almost square.
(2) Loosely wrap a square-shaped towel between both hands into a stick shape, and adjust the thickness so that the thumb does not touch the other fingers when gripping.
③ Hold the towel lightly for 2 minutes, loosen it for 1 minute, and rest. Repeat 2 times on each side.
When you hold your hand, the muscles in your arm contract and the blood vessels are compressed, which reduces blood flow. When you relax your hands, the blood flow returns, and a substance called carbon monoxide is released from the cells of the blood vessels, relaxing the blood vessels throughout the body and lowering blood pressure.
Therefore, the towel grip method is said to be effective in lowering blood pressure.
It's very easy and simple, so please try it at home. 
